Thursday, November 27, 2014


The other day, while doing a corrective surgery on a prolapsed cow, one of my lady onlookers innocently asked me while I was busy doing the purse-string suture. "Doctor, is it the same procedure too in humans?" I turned to her and replied truthfully. "Ugh, I have never done it in women!"

Saturday, November 22, 2014


The Man and his Sick Dog

This morning at the clinic, my veterinary assistant ushered in a middle-aged man with his white, bony dog. He smiled at me coyly. I returned the gesture and offered him a seat while I readied the consultation form. After the history-taking, I proceeded to the examination table to get the dog’s vital signs. As I was about to take the dog’s temperature, he stood up, held my hand and said with a pleading eyes and shaky voice. “Doctor, I want to be honest with you. I don’t have a single penny to pay you. I just can’t stand looking at my sick pet doing nothing to relieve his malady. He is like a brother to me. For the whole week, I sat early in my shop in the street, hoping I could fetch the money for my dog’s treatment. Unluckily, I managed only a single shoe repair.” I was totally stunned. I was not prepared to hear a supplication like that. But I could feel the honesty of the man and felt his love for his dog. I nodded my head, and replied. “Oh, it was great of you to care of your dog. I will treat your dog for free.” I could see the tears swelling in his eyes as he repeatedly thanked me. After medicating the dog, he bid me a good day. As the pair were about to leave, the man turned to me and said, “Doctor, if ever you have damaged shoes, please bring them all to me and I will stitch them for free!”

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Dog in the Road

The other week, when I was about to cross the other lane, I screeched to a halt. Lying in the middle of the road was a full-grown canine, motionless, and with blood splattered around its lifeless body. Though I am sure the dog was dead, but it was a moving sight seeing it being mangled into pieces by merciless, passing tires. Should I embark and drag it to the side of the road? I have my second thoughts. I may be sideswiped by the rushing vehicles. But I am a vet. However, I fear for my safety and I have my two sons in the back seat for an early morning rush drive to school. After much thought, I started the engine and looked at the side mirror when I passed by the poor dog. I was too conscience-stricken. I lost the nerve and time to attend to its proper disposal.

Repair Man

While waiting at the counter paying for our groceries in a local mall with my wife, I was accidentally bumped from behind by a grocery cart. I looked back and met a terrified pair of eyes of a young girl. I offered a reassuring smile while she sought safety in the arms of a middle-aged woman who followed her. I nodded warmly to her lady companion and waited again for my turn in the line. Just then I overheard the little girl saying with a hushed voice. "Mommy, is that the dog vagina repairman? I guess he was the one who fixed Trixie's a month ago!"

Friday, November 7, 2014

"Teaching these locals how to give supplements to their pigs..."

Joseph Dargantes

"Now, we knew who stole the chicken eggs from the tray..."

Joseph Dargantes

"Vets don't dare to use this one..."

Joseph Dargantes

"The innocence of a child..."

Joseph Dargantes

"Kimy's a landscaper buff..."

"Just a little blood, brother..."

Joseph Dargantes

"One tough cow..."

"What's with the bulb, Kitty?"

Joseph Dargantes

"A refreshing glimpse of nature..."

"Break time under the nipa shed after a veterinary outreach..."